Frequently Asked Questions
My computer broke down - may I install SoftSDC on a different PC and use the same license?
In case of any system failure or disaster, the most important for a taxpayer is to save the smart card and to have all invoices (referred to as Audit Packages) submitted to FRCS.
SoftSDC stores the audit packages in a folder C:\ProgramData\SoftSDC\SoftSDC (Fiji Production)\AuditDataOutbox, one for each invoice, and sends it automatically to FRCS as soon as the Internet is available.
In case there is no internet connection for a longer period, it is a taxpayer's duty to submit the audit packages to FRCS, and to provide commands received from FRCS back to SDC. They can do it manually via the process FRCS refers to as a Local Audit. SoftSDC can dump audit packages and other necessary files on a disk, as explained in section Start Local Audit in our Manual, which taxpayer uploads over FRCS Taxpayer Admin Portal, or brings the Flash USB drive and smart card directly to FRCS.
Regarding SoftSDC licensing, the license is bound to a computer and is valid for use only by one POS.
However, in some cases we do allow "transfer" of a license to a different computer, but you have to ask FRCS to agree and taxpayer must guarantee that the first instance is not in use any more. It is prohibited to have the same serial number (activation code) running on two different computers.
You need to send an email to FRCS, with SoftSDC CC-ed, shortly explain the reason and name the serial number (activation code) which you want to "transfer".
SoftSDC stores the audit packages in a folder C:\ProgramData\SoftSDC\SoftSDC (Fiji Production)\AuditDataOutbox, one for each invoice, and sends it automatically to FRCS as soon as the Internet is available.
In case there is no internet connection for a longer period, it is a taxpayer's duty to submit the audit packages to FRCS, and to provide commands received from FRCS back to SDC. They can do it manually via the process FRCS refers to as a Local Audit. SoftSDC can dump audit packages and other necessary files on a disk, as explained in section Start Local Audit in our Manual, which taxpayer uploads over FRCS Taxpayer Admin Portal, or brings the Flash USB drive and smart card directly to FRCS.
Regarding SoftSDC licensing, the license is bound to a computer and is valid for use only by one POS.
However, in some cases we do allow "transfer" of a license to a different computer, but you have to ask FRCS to agree and taxpayer must guarantee that the first instance is not in use any more. It is prohibited to have the same serial number (activation code) running on two different computers.
You need to send an email to FRCS, with SoftSDC CC-ed, shortly explain the reason and name the serial number (activation code) which you want to "transfer".
Last Updated 7 years ago